The present invention provides a new process for producing a product with high content of natural vitamin C from Rosa Roxburghii as raw material. The operations of the process are simple and mild. The product with high content of natural vitamin C obtained from the process has mellow taste but without astringent taste and thus is suitable for addition into different kinds of food, and contains natural vitamin C of more than 15%, even more than 20%, so it may be used in industry widely.本發明提供了一種以刺梨為原料製備含高濃度天然維生素C的產品的新方法,該方法操作簡單、溫和,而且通過該方法所獲得的含高濃度天然維生素C的產品口感醇和、無澀味,適合添加至各類食品中,且其中的天然維生素C的含量高達15%以上,甚至20%以上,可在工業上廣泛應用。