Method expansion infants range of motion syndrome glycoproteins carbonate deficiency is to strengthen muscle groups and simultaneous dynamic physical effects on the anchoring region of muscles with a change of position in space and oscillatory movements: in a first cycle: initially produce simultaneous physical dynamic impact (OFDV) on the field attachment of muscles (OKM) belt of the upper extremities (LOAC), lower limb girdle (NCP) and the back - baby (M) from sitting on his haunches Forming an acute angle between the lower leg and foot, arm rests on the floor, then the two arms permute forward simultaneously, then simultaneously rearrange both feet forward is repeated at least 3 times produce OFDV on OKM PNA PVCs and back - from a sitting position on squatting, forming an acute angle between the lower leg and foot, maintaining M arms, pulled forward, the M independently alternately interchanges the legs is repeated at least 3 times produce OFDV on OKM PNA and back - a M, in a vertical position on a horizontal plane, tilted body forward, keeping hands, transferred first leg over the first support, and then transferred to the second leg through a second support, further M independently rearranges legs alternately through each subsequent support is repeated at least 3 times OFDV to produce ECM PNA PVCs and back - from squatting position form an acute angle between the femur and tibia, M supported by the arms, then M independently jumps up, landing on two legs is repeated at least 3 times OFDV to produce ECM PNA PVCs and back - from the positionСпособ расширения диапазона движений младенцев с синдромом гликопротеинов с карбонатной недостаточностью, заключающийся в укреплении мышечных групп и одновременных динамических физических воздействиях на области крепления мышц с изменением положения в пространстве и колебательными движениями:в первом цикле:первоначально производят одновременное физическое динамическое воздействие (ОФДВ) на области крепления мышц (ОКМ) пояса ве