A glucose meter using urine glucose to assist measuring blood glucose level is disclosed and characterized by converting an urine glucose value into a blood glucose value so as to assist measuring the blood glucose value, and includes one blood glucose reading slot and one urine glucose value reading slot formed on a shell and has an operation unit and a memory unit arranged inside the shell. The blood glucose value reading slot receives a blood glucose specimen to insert therein and the operation unit inspects the blood on the blood glucose specimen to obtain a blood glucose value, and the memory unit receives access of the blood glucose value by the operation unit. The urine glucose value reading slot receives a urine glucose specimen to insert therein and the operation unit inspects the urine on the urine glucose specimen to obtain an urine glucose value. The operation unit compares the blood glucose value and the urine glucose value and calculates a proportion parameter, and then converts the urine glucose value of another urine glucose specimen into a blood glucose value according to the proportion parameter so as to prevent the patient from being repeatedly pricked by needles for blood tests, which cause extra pain and chances of infection.一種以尿糖輔助檢測血糖值之血糖計,特色在於可將尿糖值換算成為血糖值而輔助檢測血糖,包含於一殼體上設一血糖讀取槽與一尿糖讀取槽,並於殼體內設一運算單元與一記憶單元,該血糖讀取槽供給外來之一血糖試片插入,該運算單元檢測血糖試片上血液而得到一血糖值,該記憶單元接受運算單元存取血糖值,該尿糖讀取槽供給外來之一尿糖試片插入,而使運算單元檢測尿糖試片上尿液而得到一尿糖值,且運算單元比較所述血糖值與尿糖值而計算出一比例參數,並依據比例參數換算另一尿糖試片之尿糖值成為血糖值,據以避免病患重複扎針驗血而徒增疼痛與感染機會。1...殼體2...血糖讀取槽3...尿糖讀取槽40...控制電路單元41...運算單元42...記憶單元5...按鈕6...顯示器7...血糖試片