The invention relates to an automatic coffee vending machine. According to the invention, the machine comprises a system for loading roast coffee beans into storage bins (1), using a pump placed at the top part of the bins (1) which are rotatable to the left/right, by 135°, in the horizontal plane, while, at the bottom part they are provided with a dosing worm (11), the coffee beans being collected in a container mounted on a weighing device (12) at the base of which there is a valve (13) enabling the discharge of the coffee beans into a cone of a conveying system provided with a vacuum pump (19) mounted above a grinder (18) on which there is a motor which permits the automatic control of the grinding granulation, a pneumatic system for attaching an empty bag and for moving it down from the filling zone, a bag transporting system comprising a linear conveyor getting from the grinder (18) up to the bag sealing system and a bag weighing and labelling system, in the zone of the grinder (18) there being a display device (5) of the touch pad type, which can be actuated by the client, for order configuration and process visualization, and by the operator, as well, for giving advice and confirming the order.Invenţia se referă la o maşină automată de comercializare a cafelei. Maşina conform invenţiei cuprinde un sistem de încărcare a unor silozuri (1) de depozitare a boabelor de cafea prăjite, cu ajutorul unei pompe amplasate în partea de sus a silozurilor (1), silozurile (1) menţionate având posibilitatea de rotire în plan orizontal, stânga/dreapta, cu 135°, şi la partea de jos fiind prevăzute cu un şnec (11) de dozare, boabele de cafea fiind colectate într-un recipient montat pe un cântar (12), la baza acestuia fiind montată o clapetă (13) ce permite descărcarea boabelor de cafea într-un con al unui sistem de transport prevăzut cu o pompă (19) de vacuum montată deasupra unei mori (18), pe care este montat un motor ce permite reglarea automată a granulaţiei de măcinare, un