The disclosed subject matter is directed to volume expanders for use with endoscopes, particularly concerning low-pressure applications, such as sterilization. A volume expander may include an enclosure having a port and a wall including an outer surface and an inner surface, and a vent cap disposed proximate the port. The port may be a single port to which the vent cap is affixed. The volume expander permits gas within recesses of an endoscope to expand, but provides a barrier between the recesses of the endoscope and the surrounding environment.本案所揭露之內容係關於與內視鏡一起使用的體積擴張器,具體地涉及低壓應用,諸如滅菌。體積擴張器可包括具有端口和壁的外殼以及靠近所述端口設置的通氣蓋,所述壁包括外表面和內表面。所述端口可為所述通氣蓋所附連的單一端口。所述體積擴張器允許內視鏡的凹陷部內的氣體擴張,但在所述內視鏡的所述凹陷部和周圍環境之間提供屏障。