The present invention relates to an apparatus for automated hair transplantation through the well-known extraction technique of capillary units or FUE, comprising the morphological analysis of hair follicles in real-time by means of artificial vision, mapping of points for extraction and implant, simulation of the final result, a system of local anaesthesia, global, simultaneous or in sequential phases, at least one articulated mechanical arm associated with a tool for differentially extracting and implanting hair follicles.The present invention is useful to reduce the time and cost associated with the intervention, improve the quality of the operation and the final result, in terms of capillary density, contemplating the study of cell differentiation of follicles with the required estimate of time required regarding the growth. Minimizes the positional discomfort of the patient, the pain associated with the administration of anaesthesia, among other inconveniences usually experienced by the patient in this type of intervention. The present invention is useful for diagnosis, treatment and hair transplantation procedures.