The present invention relates to a digitally controlled humanoid massage machine, comprising: a machine, configured with a massage table a triaxial moving unit, driving a massage seat to move in a first direction, a second direction, and a third direction with respect to the massage table a controlling unit, for automatically or manually controlling the triaxial moving unit to drive the massage seat to move along a moving route and setting a digital displacement limit and a mechanical displacement limit so as to restrict the upward and downward movement of the triaxial moving unit along the third direction a sound meter, for monitoring a decibel value and an emergency stop button, for stopping the triaxial moving unit manually. Therefore, the triaxial moving unit may be stopped and returned to its initial position immediately and thus ensure the security of users.本發明係關於一種數位控制之擬人化按摩機,係於一機台設置一按摩平台;一三軸移動單元帶動一按摩座相對於該按摩平台進行第一軸向、第二軸向及第三軸向之移動;一控制單元能自動或手動控制該三軸移動單元帶動一按摩座之按摩移動路徑,又設定一數位移位極限距離及一機械移動極限距離,藉以確保該第三移動座於該第三軸向上向下移動之距離不致過大,又設置一分貝儀監控一聲音是否超過所設定分貝值,另設置一急停開關以供手動停止;藉以利用上述安全機制能立即控制該三軸移動單元停止,並復歸原位,以確保使用者之安全。(1)‧‧‧機台(11)‧‧‧按摩平台(12)‧‧‧透孔(2)‧‧‧三軸移動單元(21)‧‧‧第一驅動件(211)‧‧‧第一螺桿(212)‧‧‧第一導桿(22)‧‧‧第一移動座(23)‧‧‧第二驅動件(231)‧‧‧第二螺桿(232)‧‧‧第二導桿(24)‧‧‧第二移動座(25)‧‧‧第三驅動件(251)‧‧‧第三螺桿(252)‧‧‧第三導桿(26)‧‧‧第三移動座(3)‧‧‧按摩座(31)‧‧‧按摩頭(32)‧‧‧加熱元件(4)‧‧‧控制單元(41)‧‧‧手動控制元件(42)‧‧‧急停開關(5)‧‧‧分貝儀(6)‧‧‧微動開關(Y)‧‧‧第二軸向(X)‧‧‧第一軸向(Z)‧‧‧第三軸向