The invention relates to an auxiliary belt for walking aid, which is an auxiliary belt for installing on the walking aid. The upper end of the auxiliary belt is provided with a through hole, which can be worn on the lower end of the auxiliary belt, so that the auxiliary belt can be hoisted on the upper holding section of the support frame of the walking aid, and the lower end of the auxiliary belt is provided with a step ring, which is used by the foot of the user to step on the user through the auxiliary belt. The leg of the walking aid is supported by lifting, which can reduce the burden of the injured leg of the user and effectively improve the comfort of the walking aid.本創作係有關一種助行器用之輔助帶,其係可供裝設於助行器上使用之輔助帶,該輔助帶之上端設有一穿套孔,可供輔助帶下端穿設,使輔助帶得以吊置於助行器之支撐架上端握持段上,而輔助帶之下端設有一踩踏環,係供使用者之腳掌踩踏,藉由輔助帶對使用者之腿吊撐扶持,而減輕使用者其受傷之腿的負擔,有效提昇助行器使用之舒適性者。