The use of metal modulators with methylsulfonylmethane as a transport enhancer, the treatment of inflammatory diseases and the improvement of oral hygiene
Oral formulations for prevention and treatment of harmful oral diseases such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, removal of calculus to improve dental hygiene, and control of plaque and biofilm are provided. Also provided is the use of the formulation for the prevention and treatment of inflammation in the oral cavity and other harmful oral diseases including oxidative and / or free radical damage. Treatable diseases can be related to other diseases or disorders including diabetes, AIDS, and cancer. An oral formulation comprising a biocompatible chelator and a penetration enhancer such as methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is disclosed. The ingredients of the formulation are multifunctional and are generally Regarded as Safe. [Selection] Figure 1歯肉炎、歯周病などの有害な口腔疾病の予防及び処置、歯科衛生を改善するための歯石の除去、及び歯垢及びバイオフィルムの制御のための経口製剤が、提供される。口腔内の炎症、並びに酸化及び/又は遊離のラジカルの損傷を含む他の有害な口腔疾病の予防及び処置のための製剤の使用も、提供される。処置可能な疾病は、糖尿病、AIDS、及び癌を含む他の疾病又は疾患に関係し得る。生体適合性のキレート剤、及びメチルスルホニルメタン(MSM)などの浸透エンハンサーを含む経口製剤が、開示される。該製剤の成分は、多機能であり、Generally Regarded as Safeである。【選択図】図1