As for the injector (10), in order on the one hand end face this are made to touch to the skin inside the support tube (12) and the support tube (12) which to communicate to the advance possible movable tube (14) and the movable tube (14) in direction of the skin are provided inside the injection needle (16) and the movable tube (14) which being advance possible in direction of the skin, fills up to the said movable tube (14) in the injection needle (16) guide the liquid medicine (15) which to be provided in the point of the plunger (20) and the support tube (12) which, the injection needle (16)It possesses with the protective film (28) which is pasted on the adhesive face underneath the adhesive (26) and the said adhesive (26) which are provided in the underside which this touches with the skin of the penetration possible seal material (22) and the flange (24) and the flange (24) which are prepared for the point of the support tube (12). In initial condition, as for the point of the injection needle (16) it is sealed by the seal material (22).注射器(10)は、一方の端面を皮膚に当接させる支持筒(12)と、支持筒(12)内で皮膚の方向に進行可能な可動筒(14)と、可動筒(14)に連通するように設けられた注射針(16)と、可動筒(14)内で皮膚の方向に進行可能で、該可動筒(14)に充填される薬液(15)を注射針(16)に導出するプランジャ(20)と、支持筒(12)の先端に設けられ、注射針(16)が貫通可能な封止材(22)と、支持筒(12)の先端に備えられたフランジ(24)と、フランジ(24)の皮膚と当接する下面に設けられた粘着剤(26)と、該粘着剤(26)の下側の粘着面に貼られる保護フィルム(28)とを有する。初期状態では、注射針(16)の先端は封止材(22)によって封止されている。