An injection device is described having a housing, a drive element and asyringe carrier. Thehousing is adapted to receive a syringe having a discharge nozzle at a firstend, the syringebeing movable between a retracted position and an extended position in whichit extendsthrough an exit aperture. The drive element includes a syringe piston, whichacts directlyupon the syringe to advance it from its retracted position to its extendedposition anddischarge its contents. The syringe carrier carries the syringe as it isadvanced and has a firstend through which the discharge nozzle extends. The syringe carrier includes,at its secondend, means for restricting movement of the syringe relative to the syringecarrier to thesecond end whilst allowing some movement of the syringe in the direction fromthe first endto the second end of the syringe carrier.