There is described herein an improved injection device designed to overcomemechanicalfailures of components and/or syringe breakage during operation, and otherproblems. Theimproved injection comprising: a housing adapted to receive a syringe having adischargenozzle, so that the syringe is movable between a retracted position in whichthe dischargenozzle is contained within the housing and an extended position in which thedischargenozzle extends from the housing through an exit aperture; a drive that actsupon the syringeto advance it from its retracted position to its extended position anddischarge its contentsthrough the discharge nozzle, a syringe carrier that advances with thesyringe; a restrainingcomponent that restrains the advancement of the syringe carrier as the syringereaches itsextended position; and a damping element that acts between the syringe carrierand therestraining component.