Railway construction is particularly for bridges or viaducts and has connected locating plates, to each of which is connected a rail structure
- 专利权人:
- 发明人:
- 申请号:
- NL20041026512
- 公开号:
- NL1026512(C2)
- 申请日:
- 2004.06.29
- 申请国别(地区):
- 荷兰
- 年份:
- 2005
- 代理人:
- 摘要:
#CMT# #/CMT# The railway construction is particularly for a bridge or viaduct and has connected locating plates (3), to each of which is connected a rail structure (4). Each locating plate is supported by a vertical longitudinal support (7), of which the cross-sectional surface is noticeably greater than the cross-sectional surface of the locating plate. #CMT# : #/CMT# Transmission devices are provided between each rail and the corresponding locating plate for concentrating the forces exerted on the rail construction in the corresponding longitudinal support for the purpose of reducing noise. #CMT#USE : #/CMT# As a railway construction, particularly for bridges or viaducts, designed to reduce noise. #CMT#DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS : #/CMT# The figure presents a perspective view of a first version of the railway construction in accordance with the invention. 3 : locating plates 4 : rail structure 7 : vertical longitudinal support.
- 来源网站:
- 中国工程科技知识中心