The invention relates to agriculture, namely to the field of equipment for cattle breeding, and is designed for comfortable and safe fixing of cattle during the veterinary measures. The machine design can significantly reduce injuries animal while in the machine provides ease and speed of the pen, fixation, animal pasture reduces the residence time of the animal in the machine by eliminating unnecessary manipulation. The achieved result is provided controls convenience and ergonomics of the machine. The simplicity of design and use of dismountable elements allows replacement of wearing components and parts without special tools and heavy equipment.The proposed machine for fixing cattle consists of a metal frame with lateral walls and a movable lockable side plates, the entrance gate, consisting of locking doors, hinged to the frame on both sides of it are detachable, folding, sliding rails gate made from latticed sections sliding gate flaps serving for cervical fixation, formed of movable elements with independent clamps on the upper and lower bases, the support of the chest strap and two op molecular chains of inguinal holders with hoses holders forelimb, hindlimb holder pivotally supported on the locking door.The most significant changes in the machine design: operating position holders provided forelimb resistant metal rods administered slots for the axles with wheels, a removable axle with wheels movable shields modified in shape and size locking the door is formed at least with a protective removable clamp from falling.Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству, а именно к области оборудования для животноводства, и предназначена для комфортной и безопасной фиксации крупного рогатого скота при проведении зооветеринарных мероприятий. Конструкция станка позволяет значительно снизить травматизм животного во время нахождения в станке обеспечивает простоту и быстроту загона, фиксации, выгона животного сокращает время пребывания животного в станке за счет исключе