FIELD: septic diseases. SUBSTANCE: one determines level of peptide procalcitonine and/or incomplete peptide (unripe calcitonin) formed from procalcitonin, presence or amount of determined peptide being indicative of presence of sepsis, its gravity, and/or success of therapy. Determination is accomplished by the aid of immunometric analysis involving at least two monoclonal antibodies or combination of the first monoclonal or polyclonal antibody with the second monoclonal antibody possessing specificity for procalcitonine or procalcitonine-origin peptides. These antibodies are components of procalcitonine diagnostics kit in amounts from 0.1 to 500 ng per 1 ml of plasma or serum sample. EFFECT: increased diagnosis accuracy for earlier phases of sepsis. 14 cl, 2 tbl, 2 ex