< Topic >The reform tool which simultaneously can reform the outside counter mother digit and the compressed foot is offered.SolutionsAs for the said reform tool, as it is the reform tool which can make the reform of the warping of mother digit 10 and the reform of sole form simultaneous, the mother digit mother digit reform cushion 4 is installed in the finger crotch of the second finger when installing the mother digit interposition ring 2, to be the installation tool which possesses the earth not stepping on reform cushion 6 in order to form arch in the part which is suitable to the earth not stepping on position of the sole, fixing to the foot of the said reform tool in the Tip to lock at top of the shell of the foot with the surface tape, as for the gap and the coming out falling to fingertip side the tarsusIt prevents with the fixed band 7 which is wound.< Choice figure >Drawing 4【課題】外反母趾と扁平足の矯正を同時におこなうことが出来る矯正具を提供する。【解決手段】該矯正具は、母趾10の曲がりの矯正と足裏形状の矯正を同時にできる矯正具であり、母趾挿入環2の装着時に母趾をと第二指の指股に母趾矯正クッション4を装着するとともに、足裏の土ふまず位置に相当する部分にアーチを形成するための土踏まず矯正クッション6を有する装着具であり、該矯正具の足への固定は、先端部に面テープにより足の甲の上部で固定し、指先側へのずれ、抜け落ちは足首に巻いた固定バンド7で防止する。【選択図】図4