БЕНТЕМ Дэвид (US),ТАН Алекс Вее Кар (US),МЕРХАР Ричард Энтони (US),КОН Наби Абрахам (US),ПОУПИЛОК Роберт Майкл (US)
1. An imaging system (100) that comprises: a stationary gantry (102) having a front side (106) and an examination area (110); a patient table (120) configured to position an object or subject on it in the area (110) ) surveys; a panel (122) for controlling the movement of the patient table, attached to a stationary gantry (102) and including a single multi-position control body (202) that controls the movement of the table (120) of the patient horizontally, vertically and diagonally inside and outside the examination area (110) .2. The system according to claim 1, in which a single multi-position control body (202) controls at least two nonzero speeds of movement of the patient table (120). A system according to any one of claims 1 and 2, in which a single multi-position control body (202) includes a slide switch that slides along the channel to actuate a set of switches to initiate the desired movement of the patient table (120). 4. The system according to claim 1 or 2, in which a single control body (202) includes at least either a hinged joystick that rotates to initiate the desired movement of the patient table (120), or a rotary switch that rotates to initiate the desired movement of the table ( 120) patient. 5. The system according to claim 1 or 2, in which a single control body (202) includes a rocker switch (1502) that controls the direction of movement, and at least one other switch (1504) that drives the second speed of movement. . The system according to claim 1 or 2, in which a single control body (202) moves in eight different directions for control as eight1. Система (100) формирования изображений, которая содержит:неподвижный гентри (102), имеющий переднюю сторону (106) и зону (110) обследования;стол (120) пациента, выполненный с возможностью расположения объекта или субъекта на нем в зоне (110) обследования; ипульт (122) управления перемещением стола пациента, прикрепленный к неподвижному гентри (102) и включающий в себя единый многопозиционный орган