1. The procedure of producing grain products with all natural rice grains without corn (wheat oats barley hundred) and lactose, including (a) watering natural rice beans with water; (b) smoking natural rice beans; (c) Heat, rub and grind to cook natural rice beans; (d) heat obtained through a nozzle by force; (E) lick the paste obtained with the required thickness; (f) cool the film produced; (g) cut and cool the film in the desired way by obtaining the food unit; (h) Selectively;Cool the unit collected for packaging. The machine for the method includes: a receiving tank with optional taste modulation; a central bolt under the curtain, installed in a shirt, assembled on the body, including resistance, for grinding, processing, cooking and promoting the quality made of grains (a) With rice, rice is forced through a nozzle to obtain a hot film associated with the shirt, a temperature control cooling device, and a bolt connected with an engine; at least two rollers are used to crush the formed quality;Then there is the cooler; then there is the cutting device installed to cut the film into the final food unit; and there is a nozzle discharged from the food unit, which includes a related cooler assembly to bring the nozzle to the receiving disk unit.Procedimiento para elaborar un producto alimenticio a partir de granos de arroz natural entero sin TACC (Trigo-Avena-Cebada-Centeno) y sin lactosa, comprendiendo las etapas: a) humedecer el grano de arroz natural con agua; b) airear los granos de arroz natural humedecido; c) moler por fricción con aumento de temperatura que permite cocinar los granos de arroz natural humedecido; d) forzar la masa caliente obtenida a través de una boquilla; e) laminar la pasta obtenida al espesor deseado; f) enfriar la lámina obtenida; g) cortar la lámina enfriada a la forma deseada obteniendo unidades del producto alimenticio a base de arroz terminado; y h) opcionalmente, enfriar las unidades obtenidas para su embalaje. Máquina para el métod