The invention relates to a method for evaluating stress and professional burnout in order to prevent and fight disorders induced by occupational stress. According to the invention, the method consists in the following stages: psychological testing based on testing personality and evaluating the stress level based on questionnaires, psychiatric evaluation, neuroimagery involving investigation by means of the computed tomography, associated with the administration of contrast material or brain perfusion, electroencephalography by means of which the electric cerebral activity is graphically recorded, to determine the specific grapho-elements allowing to diagnose and assess the severity of the cortical irritative phenomenon associated with the affective-emotional disorders, the data obtained in this stage being correlated with those obtained by CT brain perfusion, hormonal dosage which assesses the concentration levels of various hormones and the secretory activity of the endocrine glands, where adrenal glands secrete the stress hormones, the cortisone having increased values in case of stress, psychological intervention by cognitive-behavioural therapy which includes in the evaluation and modelling both cognitive mechanisms of logical processing and unconscious mechanisms of affective nature and transcranial magnetic neuro-stimulation which enables the reorganization of brain regions.Invenţia se referă la o metodă de evaluare a stresului şi epuizării profesionale, în scopul prevenirii şi combaterii tulburărilor induse de stresul ocupaţional. Metoda conform invenţiei constă din parcurgerea următoarele etape: testare psihologică, ce presupune testarea personalităţii şi evaluarea nivelului de stres pe baza unor chestionare, evaluare psihiatrică, neuroimagistică, ce presupune explorare cu ajutorul computerului tomograf, asociată cu administrare de substanţă de contrast sau neuroperfuzie, electroencefalografie prin care se înregistrează grafic activitatea electrică cerebral