Козочкин Михаил Павлович (RU),Кочетов Олег Савельевич (RU)
A method of diagnosing the state of the bronchopulmonary system of humans and animals, characterized by using hardware complex including vibroacoustic sensor signals, recording device and program for constructing spectra of signals, characterized in that the disturbance signal acts on the investigated cavity or system cavities, using a source of sound waves, which are fed to the cavities of the bronchopulmonary system through the larynx working due to the connection to the generator of sinusoidal and pulsed signals or excited by mechanical pulses, the result of the passage of sound waves through the test chamber is recorded sensor vibroacoustic signals installed in points of the body close to the investigated cavity, and wherein the disease is estimated by preliminary experimental observations most severely affected yaet the passage vibroacoustic signal, the signals from the source of sound waves and a sensor vibroacoustic signals in parallel is recorded in digital form using a computer connected thereto via an analog-digital converter for recorded signals build amplitude frequency spectra in the audio range, the ratio of the output amplitudes signal to the amplitude of the input signal for the audio frequency band build amplitude-frequency characteristic for a signal point vibroacoustic sensor installation By changes in the amplitude-frequency characteristics in different frequency bands are estimated state change investigated cavity.Способ диагностики состояния бронхолегочной системы человека и животных, характеризующийся применением аппаратного комплекса, включающего датчики виброакустических сигналов, записывающего устройства и программы построения спектров сигналов, отличающийся тем, что в качестве возмущающего сигнала, воздействующего на исследуемую полость или систему полостей, используют источник звуковых волн, которые подают к полостям бронхолегочной системы через гортань, работающий за счет подключения к генератору переменных синусоидальных и импульсных си