The present invention provides a beverage capsule, which includes an outer capsule layer and an inner raw material layer. The inner raw material layer further includes fat and beverage powder. Therefore, after being brewed in hot water, the outer capsule layer is dissolved so that the inner raw material layer is dissolved in the water to form a fat-containing beverage (such as coffee or tea). As compared to the prior art, it is able to achieve an effect of rapid and convenient preparation of a fat-containing coffee or tea beverage.本發明提供一種飲品軟膠囊,其包含一外層膠囊層及一內層原料層;而內層原料層進一步包含油脂及飲料粉末。因此經過熱水沖泡後,外層膠囊層溶解,使內層原料層溶於水中即可完成一含油脂之飲品(例如咖啡或茶類),相較於先前技術可達到快速、簡便製備一含油脂之咖啡或茶類飲品之效果。