Refers to a fusion protein comprising a First Domain, which is a polypeptide that is selected from the group consisting of CTLA4, pd-1 and BTLa, which is associated with a negative Signal and a Second Domain, which is a polypeptide that is selected from the group consisting of CD28, ICOS, Q EU is associated with a positive Signal.The fusion protein also includes a transmembrane domain. In this way, The Invention includes receiving Change signals that are able to change negative to positive signals for enhancement of an immune response.SE REFIERE A UNA PROTEINA DE FUSION QUE COMPRENDE UN PRIMER DOMINIO, QUE ES UN POLIPEPTIDO QUE SE SELECCIONA DEL GRUPO QUE CONSISTE DE CTLA4, PD-1 Y BTLA, QUE ESTA ASOCIADO CON UNA SENAL NEGATIVA Y UN SEGUNDO DOMINIO, QUE ES UN POLIPEPTIDO QUE SE SELECCIONA DEL GRUPO QUE CONSISTE DE CD28 , ICOS, QUE ESTA ASOCIADO CON UNA SENAL POSITIVA. DICHA PROTEINA DE FUSION COMPRENDE ADEMAS UN DOMINIO TRANSMEMBRANA. DE ESTE MODO, LA INVENCION COMPRENDE RECEPTORES DE CAMBIO QUE SON CAPACES DE CAMBIAR LAS SENALES NEGATIVAS A SENALES POSITIVAS PARA LA POTENCIACION DE UNA RESPUESTA INMUNE.