An electronically controlled high frequency jet ventilation laryngoscopeincluding alaryngoscope handle, laryngoscope blade and an oxygen supply tube set withinthelaryngoscope handle, the front end of the oxygen supply tube placed on thefront endof the laryngoscope blade. The laryngoscope also includes an electroniccontrollerconsisting of a shell body, a display screen, a solenoid valve, a power supplymodule, a control module and a control switch. The shell body is fixed at thetop ofthe laryngoscope handle; the display screen and control switch are set on theshellbody; the power supply module and control module are set within the shellbody; thesolenoid valve is set on the oxygen supply tube; the display screen, controlmoduleand control switch are connected with the power supply module; and the controlmodule is connected with the display screen and the solenoid valve,respectively.