The present invention innovates within the method and system which enable a dentist to treat and rehabilitate a patients jaw, whereas the method is enabled by a first part which includes a bridge- rod , whereas to this rod part coordinators are threaded which include in their configuration a clamp which enables the sliding of the coordinators upon the rod, to different locations on the rod, and whereas the second part which is the coordinator ,component includes a clasping method such as a screw which could screw onto a part external to the coordinator and whereas a screw such as the coordinator is screwed and connected to the implant and whereas a number of coordinators are connected to a number of implants , the coordinators settle in coordination upon the part of the rod , the first part, and whereas the dentures are supplied with a connecting mechanism which are connected to the dentures in their inner part and are coordinated to clasp the dentures upon the rod , the first part.