federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Rossijskij nauchnyj tsentr "Vosstanovitelnaya travmatologiya i ortopediya" imeni akademika G.A. Ilizarova" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Rossijsko
Naritsyn Vitalij Anatolevich,Нарицын Виталий Анатольевич,Martel Ivan Ivanovich,Мартель Иван Иванович
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to traumatology and orthopedics and may be applicable to treatment of patients with fracture-dislocation of the talus. Transosseous osteosynthesis is performed by an external fixation device that comprises a base support fixed by knitting needles to the shin and a foot support consisting of two connected semirings fixed by spokes on the foot, connected by distraction bars equipped with hinged nodes, through the heel bone and the forefoot of the foot, two spokes are made with a cross and fixed on the foot support, articulated joints connecting the base support and the foot support of the external fixation device are installed at the level of the axis of rotation of the ankle joint. Distraction occurs between the base support and the foot support, the distraction between the half-rings of the foot support. Influencing through soft tissues, reposition the fragments of the talus, x-ray control the position of fragments of the talus, connect the fragments of the talus, for this through the line of fracture of the talus bone outside and inside of the Achilles tendon, avoiding vascular-neural formations, spend from 2 to 4 spokes with hydroxyapatite coating. Influencing through the soft tissues and through the spokes, locate the talus bone in the biomechanically correct position in the joints. Spokes with hydroxyapatite coating are fixed through the traction nodes to the foot support. Stabilization of the supports of the external fixation device is carried out. In the period of fixation by the device of external fixation, the ankle joint is decompressed by a value of 2 to 3 mm and unloading of the subtalar and talon-navicular joints. After three weeks, dosed traction of spokes with hydroxyapatite coating is performed, they are gradually pulled from the talus bone.EFFECT: method allows to achieve a biomechanically correct position of the talus in the ankle and subtalar joints.1 cl, 3 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к травматологии