Method for processing of bee pollen, wherein the pollen load, after the step of extraction in pairs COshrot subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis, during which carry water treatment for microbiological safety of water using a germicidal lamp, is then, for fermentative use thermostatic mixing reactors of various types devices carried fermentative separation into solid and liquid phases, the liquid phase is carried filtering, drying the solid phase, then, depending STI composition of water, after water purification from rough slurries using different methods purification of water, including redox, and / or adsorption and / or ion exchange, and / or membrane, for obtaining lipid fraction, water and dry hydrolyzate of bee pollen, pollen CO- subjected to extraction to remove the fat layer with a pollen grain, more fat fraction pollen load is obtained by pumping the carbon dioxide at a rate of about 70 kg / h at a pressure of about 320 atm, a temperature of about 40 ° C, with n osleduyuschim CO- extract cooled to approximately 16 ° C temperature, the resulting further obnozhka - meal placed in a fermenter for carrying out enzymatic hydrolysis of pollen from the pollen extract to nitrogenous substances - proteins and amino acids, which are used, including, thermostated reactors with mixing devices including, made of stainless steel or enamelled, wherein the heat supply is effected by heaters or coolant is used, including, reactors with a spherical head, during FermiСпособ переработки пчелиной обножки, в котором пчелиную обножку, после этапа экстрагирования в парах CO2 шрот подвергают ферментативному гидролизу, в ходе которого осуществляют водоподготовку для обеспечения микробиологической безопасности воды с использованием бактерицидных ламп, затем, для получения ферментолизата используют термостатируемые реакторы с перемешивающими устройствами различного типа, осуществляют разделение ферментолизата на твердую и жидкую фазы, проводят фильтрацию жидкой фазы, сушку твердой фазы,