Иванов Сергей Петрович (RU),Сволынский Алексей Дмитриевич (RU)
The technical solution relates to the methodological support of research in the field of botany and Antecology, in particular to the identification of the spatial structure of the inflorescence and the use of these data to obtain the required set of morphometric parameters of inflorescences and evaluation on the basis of their ecological status of populations of rare and endangered species of flowering plants. A device for detecting the spatial structure of the inflorescence of flowering plants, which is graded in the horizontal and vertical transparent flexible plate of rectangular shape, secured to the external support. External support and attached at a height of inflorescence plate is installed near the inflorescence, so that its upper edge is at the level of the upper edge of the inflorescence and the inner surface abuts the outer edges of the flowers in the inflorescence. The plate is wrapped around the inflorescence, taking the form of a cylinder, its edge Having closed clip fastened together from above and below, a mark made on the plate lower edge inflorescences, as well as marked degree of overlapping edges of the plate. On the outer plate surface marker deposited projection GCP inflorescences. Expanding the plate after applying it all the necessary marks, we get a scan blossoms in full size, which contains all the necessary data for the further construction of a mathematical model of the spatial structure of the inflorescence of this plant species. The described device also allows you to save rare and protected plant species.Техническое решение относится к методическому обеспечению исследований в области ботаники и антэкологии, в частности к выявлению пространственной структуры соцветий и использованию этих данных для получения необходимого набора морфометрических показателей соцветий и оценки на их основе экологического состояния популяций редких и исчезающих видов цветковых растений. Разработано устройство для выявления пространственной структуры соцвет