An object of the present invention can be at the same time intake of dietary fiber and fucoidan having the antimicrobial action of Mozuku, to provide health seasoning to make a strong body by increasing the immunity. A miso the mozuku of seaweed, is mixed with soy sauce and other seasonings and processed into a semi-solid or emulsified liquid, or, the mozuku of seaweed and fermented with lactic acid bacteria, mixed miso, and soy sauce or other seasonings Health seasoning is processed into emulsion form, characterized in that it has been filled into various containers by. .BACKGROUND【課題】モズクの食物繊維と抗菌作用のあるフコイダンを同時に摂取でき、免疫力を高めて丈夫な身体を作る健康調味料を提供する。【解決手段】海藻のモズクを味噌、醤油その他の調味料と混合して半固体状や乳化液状に加工し、又は、海藻のモズクを乳酸菌で醗酵させ、味噌、醤油またはその他の調味料と混合して乳化液状に加工し、各種の容器に充填した事を特徴とする健康調味料。【選択図】図3