1. Use of particles of insoluble absorbent food ingredient as a carrier for water and / or humectant to the introduction of water and / or humectant in chocolate produkt.2. Tropikaliziruyuschy agent comprising discrete particles of the insoluble material food ingredient, saturated with water and / or moisturizing zhidkostyu.3. Tropikaliziruyuschy agent according to claim. 2, containing a liquid fatty component and a plurality of discrete particles of a food ingredient insoluble absorbent material saturated with water and / or moisturizing liquid, dispersed in a liquid fat komponente.4. Tropikaliziruyuschy agent according to claim. 2 or 3, wherein the food ingredient insoluble particles comprise edible desiccant volokno.5. Tropikaliziruyuschy agent according to claim. 4, wherein the dietary fiber is selected from the group consisting of citrus fiber, apple fiber, oat fiber, potato fiber, pea fiber, or any smesi.6. Tropikaliziruyuschy agent according to claim. 3, wherein the food ingredient desiccant particles comprise particles tsitrusovyh.7 fibers. Tropikaliziruyuschy agent according to any one of claims. 2, 3 or 5, comprising water and / or humidifying fluid and insoluble edible desiccant particles in a weight ratio of from 1:10 to 8: 1, preferably from 1:10 to 5: 1.8. Tropikaliziruyuschy agent according to claim. 2 or 3, wherein the hydrating liquid is a polyhydric spirtom.9. Tropikaliziruyuschy agent according to claim. 8, wherein the hydrating liquid is glitserinom.10. Tropikaliziruyuschy agent according to claim. 3, comprising from 30 to 95 wt. Komponenta.11% liquid fat. Tropikaliziruyuschy agent according to claim. 2 or 3, wherein the food ingredient has a mean particle times1. Применение частиц нерастворимого влагопоглощающего пищевого ингредиента в качестве носителя для воды и/или увлажнителя для введения воды и/или увлажнителя в шоколадный продукт.2. Тропикализирующий агент, содержащий дискретные частицы материала нерастворимого пищевого ингредиента, насыще