A soy protein product having a protein content of at least 60 wt% (N × 6.25) d.b., preferably an isolate having a protein content of at least about 90 wt% (N × 6.25) d.b., is formed from the supernatant from the precipitation of a soy protein micellar mass. A calcium salt or other divalent salt is added to the supernatant, before concentration, after initial concentration or after final concentration, to provide a conductivity of about 2 to about 30 mS. Precipitate is removed from the resulting solution and the pH of the clear soy protein solution is optionally adjusted to about 1.5 to about 4.4. The optionally pH adjusted clear solution is concentrated to a concentration of about 50 to about 400 g/L and the clear concentrated protein solution is optionally diafiltered prior to drying. The soy protein product is soluble in acidic media and produced transparent, heat stable solutions at low pH values and, therefore, may be used for protein fortification of soft drinks and sports drinks.