Following a novel immunotherapy process the archived aliquots of biologic material from each successive process is used to form a library in which further novel therapy can be developed. The patients essentially serve as the biologic assay for successful antigen processing response in the form of clinical response (i.e. tumor shrinkage, improvement in clinical status of disease). Only archived biologic material of clinically successful patients are then further used for further drug development. These patients are also evaluated for a positive MCH I or MHC II response. In the case of MHC II or antibody response: antibody producing cells (B-cells) are harvested or biopsied from various B-cell containing tissues and fused with multiple myeloma cells to form a further antibody production library, which may be further screened for antibodies to relevant antigens. In the case of MHC I or cell-mediated cytotoxic T or NK cell immune response, the archived electroporated immune cells can propagated and expanded in culture and transplanted back to the original patient or other patients in an allogeneic fashion.