The present invention relates to HIV Ag & Ab EIA comb, a test kit and a device for the early detection of the HIV-1, HIV-2 antibodies and p24 antigen in human serum or plasma. The device is a comb which comprises of four dots which are HIV -1, HIV-2 detection for the detection of HIV1 and HIV2 antibodies and P24 detection dot for the detection of p24 antigen and Control dot to test the test performance. It provides an early detection of the presence of antigen to p24 and antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2. The p24 detection dot is coated with monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies and HIV-1 detection dot is coated with glycoprotein gp41 and C terminus of gp 120 and detection dot for HIV-2 is coated with gycoprotein gp 36, and control dot is coated with mono/ poly antihuman IgG.