The present invention, anti-sensitive, skin exfoliation cleansing soap and its manufacturing method, is involved in the composition of a skin-cleaning soap and its manufacturing method. The base material of the skin-cleaning soap includes the Canola oil, the Coconut oil, the Palm oil, the Castor oil, and the sweet almond oil. After uniformly mixing, the base material is mixed in with the sodium hydroxide and water to be uniformly agitated and mixed under room temperature, and mixed with the tobacco coffee-grounds raffinate and the Aloe Vera gel to be uniformly agitated and mixed into the liquid soap. The liquid soap, after the trace appears, is poured into the mold for shaping and for mold release to obtain the finished product of skin-cleaning soap. The disclosed, when being used in skin cleaning, contains functions of anti-inflammation, reduction of swelling, anti-bacteria, exfoliation, and can be used corresponding to the skin Acariasis itch/ulcer/furunculosis or the allergic skin complexion.本發明「菸草抗敏去角質潔膚皂及其製法」,涉及一種潔膚皂之組成及其製法,該潔膚皂之基料包括有芥花油、椰子油、棕櫚油、篦麻油與甜杏仁油,經混合均勻,攙入氫氧化鈉與水於常溫下均勻攪拌混合,再攙入菸草咖啡渣提煉液與蘆薈膠後再次均勻攪拌混合成皂液,俟該皂液有描跡出現時倒入模具,定型後拆模晾乾即取得潔膚皂成品。本案使用於皮膚洗淨,具有消炎、消腫、抗菌、去角質等作用,能對應於皮膚疥癬癢癰疽疔瘡或過敏膚質使用。