FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to the food industry in particular to the production of vegetarian sausage. Method comprises preparing a polymer shell and a filler, filler tamping shell, steaming. Crude protein gluten obtained from the grains of the wheat is used as a filler, grain is ground to a flour state, sifted, passed through magnetic catch mechanism, doh is kneaded with water of room-temperature, adding water in the amount of up to 60 % of the flour mass, exposed for 30 minutes, fed into a device for washing protein during continuous water supply. Proofing-fermentation of the washed protein is carried out in a refrigerator at (-2)-(+6) °C during 2-4 days. Produced mass is fed into the cutter, water, vegetable oil and spices are added and mixed, then salt, vegetables, herbs are added and again mixed and the polymer shell is filled with the produced mass. Loaves are formed and delivered for thermal steam treatment at, at least, 103 °C for 20-90 minutes with subsequent cooling for 10-20 minutes to the temperature (-2)-(+6) °C. In order to produce pate prepared sausage product is milled, vegetable oil, spices, cold water, salt and components are added according to the recipe, mixed in a cutter, the shell is filled with and delivered for steam boiling at, at least, 103 °C, cooled and stored in the refrigerator at (-2)-(+6) °C.EFFECT: wider range of vegetarian sausage products with preservation of organoleptic properties, corresponding to meat sausage products.2 cl, 2 tbl, 3 exГруппа изобретений относится к пищевой промышленности, а именно к производству вегетарианских колбасных изделий. Способ предусматривает приготовление наполнителя, полимерной оболочки, набивание оболочки наполнителем, варку на пару. В качестве наполнителя используют сырой белок глютен, полученный из зерна пшеницы, которое дробят до состояния муки, просеивают, пропускают через магнитоулавливатель, замешивают тесто на воде комнатной температуры, добавляя последнюю в