PURPOSE: Health functional food using pepper is provided to supply nutrients of the pepper, mugwort, garlic, and tangle weed, and to form the food into a tablet or a pill for easily storing. CONSTITUTION: Health functional food contains 15% of pepper powder, 15% of mugwort powder, 15% of tangle weed powder, 8% of garlic powder, 5% of glutinous rice powder, 1% of ginger powder, 10% of vitamin C, 0.5% of mixed lactic acid bacteria, 5% of dietary fiber, 0.1% of xylitol, 0.1% of citric acid, 3% of vitamin B1, 0.3% of hydrochloride, 3% of vitamin B2, 3% of vitamin B6, 0.3% of vitamin D3, 3% of vitamin E, 1% of niacin, 2% of calcium pantothenate, 3% of vitamin A, 1% of red pepper flavor, 1% of aspartame containing phenylalanine, 0.5% of collagen, 0.5% of glycerin fatty acid ester, 0.5% of gelatin, and 0.5% of magnesium stearate.본 발명은 고추, 쑥, 마늘, 다시마 등을 함유한 건강기능식품으로 고추 특유의 영양과 매운맛을 각종 영양소와 혼합하여 누구나 쉽게 섭취할 수 있도록 하는 것이다.본 발명은 중량을 기준으로 하여 고추분말 15%, 쑥분말 15%, 다시마분 15%, 마늘분 8%, 찹쌀분 5%, 생강분 1%, 비타민C 10%, 혼합유산균 0.5%, 식이섬유 5%, 자일리톨 0.1%, 구연산 0.1%, 비타민B1 3%, 염산염 0.3%, 비타민B2 3%, 비타민B6 3%, 비타민D3 3%, 비타민E 3%, 나이아신 1%, 판토텐산칼슘 2%, 비타민A 3%, 고추향(합성착향료) 1%, 아스파탐(페닐알라닌함유) 1%, 콜라겐 0.5%, 글리세린지방산에스테르 0.5%, 젤라틴 0.5%, 스테아린산 마그네슘 0.5%의 비율로 혼합하여 제조한다.