Chocolate hollow body or reliefs from all figures of the bible e.g. Jonah in the whale, the Lord's supper and David against Goliath, which allows the way of the cross with its 14 stages and figures from fairy story, film and movies
Chocolate hollow body or reliefs from all figures of the bible e.g. Jonah in the whale, the Lord's supper, David against Goliath, the Noah's Ark, the Christmas crib, the birth of Jesus or the kings of the Eastern World, which allows the way of the cross with its 14 stages and figures from fairy story, film and movies, is claimed. Independent claims are included for: (1) events from the bible, fairy story, films, movies, from the environment, nature, technology, people, plants and animals and everyday life displayed in chocolate hollow body or reliefs; (2) edible starch products used in chewing masses; (3) a chocolate used as Fisher technique elements or lego building blocks; and (4) chewing masses used in combination with starch products, sugar paste and candy mass for Fisher technique or Lego blocks.