the present invention describes a method of processing des écorces lemoncitrus limon (lunari (money laundering in the water min à 90 c and drying at 50 c to a moisture content of 10%), and as a food product through son utilisation, p i,in la production supplemented stirred yogurt.the effect of taux denrichment du yaourt (0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 g \/ ml) on the physical les propriétés (color, texture), rhéologiques (viscosity, fermeté, cohesion.and the finished product has been examiné. lsensory analysis of the stability of the finished product during storage à 4°c confirmed the value of p was from citron utilisées bark.the addition of lemon peel powder was permis lincreased firmness and consistency of the de 46 stirred yogurt and 13 per cent for supplementation of 0.4 and 1%, respectively.the total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities increased with des yaourts made poudre des supplemented content in bark and decreased during storage at 4 and demeurent sthe control upérieures yogurt.the increase in oxidative activité anti - yoghurt stirred is highly correlated with the content of en poudre added lemon peel (0.91 r sup 2 \/ sup sup \/ sup 0.99).la supplémentation yogurt mixed with 1% of the écorces spowder is the most appropriate, given that the product retains the teneurs en total phenols and antioxidant activity in the highers, improves the rheological properties and textural pas dis a significant effect on the sensory acceptability of the product.key words: yogurt, stir, lemon peel, viscosity, texture phénols, antioxidant activity, sensory acceptability.La présente invention décrit une méthodologie de transformation des écorces de citron, Citrus limon v lunari (blanchiment dans leau 5 min à 90°C et séchage à 50°C jusquà une teneur en eau de 10%) et son utilisation en tant que produit alimentaire intermédiaire, P AI, dans la production du yaourt brassé supplémenté. Leffet du taux denrichissement du yaourt (0 0,4 0,6 0,8 et 1 g/100mL) sur les