1. Composition, comprising at least one substrate for adhesive attachment to the skin around at least one body openings and at least one separate peripheral device for connection to the substrate, somewhere substrate comprises a protective layer and its proximal side facing the user during use where the adhesive does not irritate the skin, is located on the proximal side of said protective layer, and wherein the substrate is a solid substrate, making it possible to cut a hole in a desired location before applied eat separate u peripheral device comprises a continuous ring of adhesive for the permanent adhesive connection between the continuous adhesive ring device and distal peripheral side of the protective layer podlozhki.2. Set according to claim 1, wherein at least the distal side of the protective layer is ploskoy.3. The kit of claim 1, wherein at least one peripheral device is a collection bag having an inlet for receiving discharge from said body opening, wherein the continuous ring of adhesive located around said inlet opening for forming the adhesive connection between the adhesive and the protective ring the substrate layer. 4. The kit of claim 1, wherein the kit further comprises at least one pointer to be coupled to the substrate to indicate the places where there is cut otverstie.5. Set according to claim 4, wherein said pointer is a transparent plastic sheet, which contains instructions by excision otverstiya.6. Set according to any one of claims. 1-5, wherein at least one peripheral device is a drainage channel, comprising at1. Набор, содержащий по меньшей мере одну подложку для клеевого присоединения к коже вокруг по меньшей мере одного отверстия тела и по меньшей мере одно отдельное периферийное устройство для присоединения к подложке, где- подложка содержит защитный слой и ее проксимальная сторона обращена к пользователю при применении, где клеящее вещество, не раздражающее кожу, расположено на указанной проксимальной стороне защитного слоя и где п