The present invention is a multifunctional, multipurpose technique for recovering the quality of water as well as diversity of green organisms, self-cleaning ability and geographical weather by creating an environment where animals and plants can exchange substances and cohabit both in aqua-environment basic facilities of every kind and in human life-based facilities, thereby obtaining good-quality water resources and renewable energy sources so as to concurrently recover contaminated and damaged component factors of the basic environment. Key principles of the present invention are to apply different natural phenomena to diverse, man-made aqua-environment basic facilities, one phenomenon being where animals and plants that inhabit each location of the ecological pyramid circulate substances through the symbiotic relationship between them for exchanging substances required for their survival by living together according to their kind to conform to the mode of life of each other, another concurrent phenomenon being where substances are shifted out of water, decomposed and recycled through the food chain and to more easily and quickly create a green space where humans, animals and plants can together use the impervious surface portion of the life-based facilities and those above-described substances undergo ecological circulation. As such, there is proposed a new alternative technique capable of more effectively solving worldwide environment issues that require immediate action to recover the basic environment concurrently by designing any specific scheme and relevant devices thereto.본 발명은 종래에 수질만 개선하던 각종 오수정화시설에서 각각 수질개선과 환경적 복합효과가 병행되도록 습지를 이용하여 오수를 정화하는 방법 및 장치에 관한 것으로서, 4단계[30,31,50,70]의 습지장치를 구성하는 방법 및 장치와 이를 수질특성과 장치의 이용목적 등에 따라 각종 오수에 적용하도록 2단계 내지 4단계 습지장치로 각각 연계구성하는 방법 및 장치를 제공한다.상기 각 습지장치는 오수의 오염물질을 습지의 동식물로 분해 교환하여 습지생태계의 먹이기초를 생성하고 생태통로로 먹이사슬을 연결하여 뭍에 자연이동하는 방법으로 정화함으로써 먹이사슬을 구성하는 생명체를 복원하고 복원된 생명체의 이동에 의해 활동영역까지 생태적 자정효과를 파급한다. 또한 정화식물에 습지에 서식하는 초목(62,64)이