1. A method for determining the degree of compression of the vessel through which fluid flows, comprising the steps of: a) receive a sequence of first and a sequence of measurements Pdavleniya respective first Uskorosti measurements at a first location within the vessel, wherein the first location is on a first side of the target area b ), a sequence of second measurements Rdavleniya sequence and the respective second Uskorosti measurements at a second location within the vessel, the second location n hoditsya on the second side of the target area c) for each location determine the wave velocity c in the fluid as a function of velocity squared dP changes in pressure, divided by the square of the corresponding change dU d) for the first location determining change dP direct pressure + as a function of pressure change amount dPi rate of change dU e) to determine the second location change dP + direct pressure as a function of pressure change amount dPi speed change dU f) determining direct the separated flow reserve, denoted ayuschy pressure drop across the target area as a function of the ratio dP + / dP + .2. A method according to claim 1, wherein the first side of the target area is located upstream from the target region, and the second side is located downstream from the target region.3. A method according to claim 1, wherein in step c) determine the wave velocity "c" at each location in accordance with the equation c = (1 / ρ) √ (ΣdP / ΣdU), where ρ - the specific density of the fluid in the vessel .4. A method according to claim 1, wherein in steps d) and e) determining said change dP + dP + and direct pressure in accordance with the equation1. Способ определения степени сжатия сосуда, по которому протекает текучая среда, содержащий этапы, на которых:a) получают последовательность первых измерений P1 давления и последовательность соответствующих первых измерений U1 скорости в первом местоположении внутри сосуда, причем первое местоположение находится на перво