1. The tube-shaped endoscope comprising a transparent observation container in the form of a cylinder with a base, which is open from the base end and sealed by the end portion, while viewing the container has a projecting portion which extends from the end portion outside the light-transmitting sealed lower end portion and which is rounded, and a detachable light source that illuminates the boundary of said bottom portion, an optical device which is inserted into the observation end of the container and on which It is the objective lens, and an image processing apparatus connected to an optical device and adapted for processing the information collected for reproducing videoizobrazheniya.2. Tube-shaped endoscope according to claim 1, wherein the outer wall of the base portion of the inspection container is formed of enlarged diameter, which serves as a stop, preventing the complete introduction of the container into the body of the sight patsienta.3. Tube-shaped endoscope according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the inner portion of the enlarged diameter portion has an inclined portion, which gradually increases its diameter toward the base side of the inspection container, said portion serving as a guide during the introduction of the end portion of the optical pribora.4. Tube-shaped endoscope according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the projecting portion of the inspection container has a reflectivity portion formed obliquely upwards and facing the bottom of said konteynera.5. Tube-shaped endoscope according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the end portion of the guide cable of the optical device mounted nozzle having inclined at1. Тубусный эндоскоп, содержащий прозрачный смотровой контейнер в виде цилиндра с основанием, который открыт со стороны опорного конца и загерметизирован со стороны концевой части, при этом смотровой контейнер имеет выступающую часть, которая проходит со стороны концевой части за пределы загерметизированной светопропускающей нижней части и конец которой закр