Conventionally mass production of fungi is on liquid or solid substrates following the principles of liquid and solid-state fermemtation processes, respectively. The above invention (portable solid state mass [production unit) under report is suitable for mass production of fungi using solid substrates. The said solid-state mass production unit comprises of a tiered (multi-layered) plates-a fixing frame assembly and a steel/metal air-tight casing/boz. This novel design not only enhanced space and easy handling costs of the fimgal biomass was minimum in this novel design glass flasks, trays etc. The invention (solid-state mass production unit) has immense potential to be used commercially for mass production of antagonistic fungi as lolw cost house-hold unit locally. Since the design is simple and the handling does not require any special skills,it can be used by any able person. It can be placed in an ordinary pressure cooker of 20 litre-capacity for media sterilization/autoclaving which keeps the equipment cost minimum. There is no report of such portable solid-state mass production un it for antgonistic fungi anywhere in the world so far. Therefore it can be marketed not only in india but also in other developing and saarc countries etc.,