This case Chong Zuo Department As mono- Seed knocking massager Slow Red Agencies make one Bomb Strip of Qi Department whats of ,, bis- Duan Fen Do Let and strike Strike An Mo Body and handle. Let has Slow shakes portion Shang The Bomb Strip, and Let has several Consistent Tong Lou emptying apertures Shang The handles, and what grip surface sheathing has a foam Layer, and being made using Agencies such as The makes its Right shakes Move power Pass Delivery have the effect of Slow Red and reduction.本案創作係為一種敲打式按摩器緩衝構造,其係於一彈性條二端分別設有敲擊按摩體及握把。該彈性條上設有緩震部,該握把上設有若干貫通的鏤空孔,且於握把表面覆套有一泡棉層,利用該等構造使其對震動力的傳遞具有緩衝及降低的效果。