Many patients in the hospital or at home or long-term care centers, must often be turned over by the help of care-staffs, this will take up a lot of human resources, and be a great economic burden for some employers, and the bigger problem than the above is that the care-staffs often need to timingly help patients turn over their bodies, especially in midnight, so that they were lack of rest.What an effectively body turning over must have both the "Pressure transfer" and the "ventilation" effects. The structure of this creation is streamlined and effective. With the implement of this creation, it does help patients to turn over well and effectively, so that patients and caregivers can get an appropriate rest.在醫院或居家或長期照護中心有許多患者,必須藉由照護人員經常幫忙翻身,除了佔用大量的人力資源以外,對某些雇主而言也是經濟上的一大負擔,且更大的問題是照護人員往往因為需要定時幫患者翻身,尤其是半夜,而得不到充分的休息。有效翻身必須同時具備「重心移轉」與「通風透氣」兩個因素,本創作結構精簡而有效,藉由本創作的設置,確實可以幫助患者有效翻身,使患者與照護人員都能得到適度的休息。