The present invention relates to a shampoo composition containing an additive composition of herbal extracts, the shampoo composition prevents skin diseases by inhibiting the propagation of bacteria inhabiting the scalp and inducing smooth blood circulation and prevents hair loss by protecting hair roots as well as the scalp, and also turns grey hair into dark hair. The shampoo composition containing the additive composition of herbal extracts according to the present invention comprises 5-20 parts by weight of the additive composition of herbal extracts, produced by processes for putting 98.23-98.9 wt% of purified water, 0.25-0.35 wt% of red clay extract, 0.09-0.19 wt% of Pleuropterus multiflorus TURCZ. extract, 0.01-0.02 wt% of Eclipta prostrata L. extract, 0.07-0.09 wt% of mulberry extract, 0.05-0.08 wt% of pine needle extract, 0.02-0.04 wt% of oriental arborvitae leaf extract, 0.06-0.09 wt% of green tea extract, 0.10-0.15 wt% of dried orange peel extract, 0.08-0.10 wt% of granatum extract, 0.12-0.30 wt% of Cnidium officinale Makino extract, 0.13-0.22 wt% of Huttuynia cordata extract, and 0.12-0.15 wt% of mulberry root extract in a mixer and blending them with stirring at 750-850 rpm for 25-35 minutes while keeping temperature at 80-88°;C and then cooling and stabilizing a mixture into 38-42°;C, and then filtering the mixture through a 200-mesh sized screen, per 100 parts by weight of undiluted shampoo solution used for the scalp.본 발명은 한방 추출물 첨가제 조성물을 함유한 샴푸 조성물에 관한 것으로, 천연 및 한방 재료만을 원료로 하여 두피에 서식하는 세균번식을 억제하고 원활한 혈액순환을 유도하여 피부질환을 예방하며, 두피 뿐만 아니라 모근을 건강하게 보호하여 탈모를 예방하고, 아울러, 백모를 흑모로 변화시켜줌을 목적으로 한다.본 발명에 의한 한방 추출물 첨가제 조성물을 함유한 샴푸 조성물은, 두피용으로 사용되는 샴푸 원액 100중량부에 대하여, 정제수 98.23~98.9중량%, 각각 추출액인 황토 0.25~0.35중량%, 하수오 0.09~0.19중량%, 한련초 0.01~0.02중량%, 오디 0.07~0.09중량%, 소나무잎 0.05~0.08중량%, 측백잎 0.02~0.04중량%, 녹차 0.06~0.09중량%, 진피 0.10~0.15중량%, 석류피 0.08~0.10중량%, 천궁 0.12~0.30중량%, 어성초 0.13~0.22중량%, 상백피 0.12~0.15중량%를 믹서에 넣고 80~88℃의 온도를 유지하면서 750~850rpm의 속도로 25~35분간 교반하여 혼합한 후