Method for producing filamentous fungus culture product, Filamentous fungus culture product, Method for producing enzyme preparation, Enzyme preparation, Method for producing enzymes by the use of liquid medium, enzymes, and, Methods for producing fermented foods and beverages. fermented foods and beverages
METHOD TO PRODUCE FILMED FUNGUS CULTURE PRODUCT, FILMED FUNGUS CULTURE PRODUCT, METHOD TO PRODUCE ENZYME PREPARATION, ENZYME PREPARATION, METHOD TO PRODUCE ENZYMES BY THE USE OF LIQUID MEDIUMS, MILLED AND MILLED PRODUCTS DRINKS AND FERMENTED FOOD. It is intended to provide a method for producing a fungal culture obtained by growing a fungus in a liquid medium, which contains as a culture material at least one member selected from cereals, beans, potatoes, amaranth and quinoa, in which the release rate of a nutrient from the culture material into the culture system is controlled to thereby control the productivity of an enzyme (in particular, a starch digesting enzyme, a vegetable fiber digesting enzyme or a protease) from the fungal culture. Namely, a method for producing a fungal culture characterized by the fact that it comprises cultivating a fungus by using a liquid medium, which contains as culture material at least one member selected from cereals, beans, potatoes, amaranth and quinoa, while controlling the rate of release of a nutrient in the culture material into the culture system to thereby control the enzyme productivity of the fungal culture.MÉTODO PARA PRODUZIR PRODUTO DE CULTURA DE FUNGO FILAMENTOSO, PRODUTO DE CULTURA DE FUNGO FILAMENTOSO, MÉTODO PARA PRODUZIR PREPARAÇçO DE ENZIMA, PREPARAÇçO DE ENZIMA, MÉTODO PARA PRODUZIR ENZIMAS PELO USO DE MEIO LÍQUIDO, ENZIMAS, E, MÉTODOS PARA PRODUZIR BEBIDAS E ALIMENTOS FERMENTADOS E BEBIDAS E ALIMENTOS FERMENTADOS. É intencionado proporcionar um método para produzir uma cultura fúngica obtida pelo cultivo de um fungo em um meio líquido, que contém como um material de cultura pelo menos um membro selecionado dentre cereais, feijões, batatas, amaranto e quinoa, no qual a taxa de liberação de um nutriente do material de cultura para dentro do sistema de cultura é controlada para deste modo controlar a produtividade de uma enzima (em particular, uma enzima digestora de amido, uma enzima digestora de fibra vegetal