The combination includes at least one fungicide and at least one diamond insecticide selected from broflanilida, clantranilipol, ciantranilipl, cyanilinipol, cihalodidiamed, flubendiamed and tetranilpol; and methods for controlling pests, diseases and / or insects.<;p>;COMBINACIONES QUE COMPRENDEN AL MENOS UN FUNGICIDA Y AL MENOS UN INSECTICIDA DE DIAMIDA SELECCIONADO DE BROFLANILIDA, CLORANTRANILIPROL, CIANTRANILIPROL, CICLANILIPROL, CIHALODIAMIDA, FLUBENDIAMIDA Y TETRANILIPROL; Y MÉ;TODO PARA CONTROLAR PLAGAS FÚ;NGICAS Y/O DE INSECTOS.<;/p>;