Claim 1: a combination comprising (a) at least one diamond insecticide; and (b) at least one plant health additive based on silicic acid. Requirement 2: as required in requirement 1, insecticides containing diamonds were selected from broflanilida, clantraiprol, ciantaliprol, cyaniliplol, cihalodamida, flubendiamida and tetranilippol. 3. Claim 3: as required in claim 1, the plant health additive (h8322) based on silicic acid is selected from it; SiO 8323;Orthorhombic acid (h83248sio 8324);2. Glycolic acid (h8322; si8322; or 832525) and pyrotechnic acid (h832626; si8322); or 832727; Claim 5: as described in claim 1, the mixture also comprises a multi site fungicide. 19. Claim 6: the mixture claimed in claim 5, i.e. fungicides selected from multiple sites, comprising: (a) copper fungicides selected from copper dichloride, copper sulfate, copper hydroxide and copper tributyltin sulfate;(b) Elemental sulfur; (c) diformaldehyde fungicides selected from Amobam, asomato, azitiram, carbamorf, cufraneb, cubrobam, disculfire, ferbam, metam, nabam, tecoram, tiram, urbancida, ziram, Dazomet, etem, milneb, mankobre, mangozeb, maneb, metiram, polycarbamato, propineb and zineb; (d) Phthalamine fungicides selected from folpet, captan and captafol; (E) chlorobenzene; (f) endosulfan fungicides selected from difluoroammonium and formaldehyde; (g) guanidinia fungicides selected from dodina, guazantina and iminocataadina; (H) anilazina; (I) ditian; and (J) these mixtures. Requirement 19: methods of controlling human diseases,This approach includes applying the combination required by claims 1-14 or claim 15 to local authorities.Reivindicación 1: Una combinación que comprende: a) al menos un insecticida de diamida; y b) al menos un aditivo promotor de la salud de las plantas a base de ácido silícico. Reivindicación 2: La combinación tal como se reivindica en la reivindicación 1, en donde el insecticida de diamida se selecciona de broflanilida, clorantraniliprol, ciantraniliprol, ciclanil