System for the conching of edible, particularly as mass containing Cocoa, chocolate, Liquor, comprises a Housing, a Shaft rotatably mounted in the Housing, means for subjecting the Edible High Shear stress, Mass Media to bring the tension Shear Where an Evaporator is the Edible.
The invention relates to a system (1) for conching edible mass, in particular cocoa containing mass, such as chocolate, cocoa liquor or compound, comprising a shear device, in particular a so-called taste-changer (14), in turn comprising a housing (16), a shaft (17) rotatably mounted in the housing (16), means (19, 20) for subjecting the edible mass to high shear stresses, means (21, 22) for spreading the edible mass after it has been subjected to high shear, and an inlet (24, 25) for supplying a gas to the spread edible mass. The system further comprises a thin film evaporator (15) to treat the edible mass exiting the shear device (14).<;p>;LA INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UN SISTEMA (1) PARA EL HOMOGENEIZACIÓ;N DE MASA COMESTIBLE, EN PARTICULAR MASA QUE CONTIENE CACAO, TAL COMO CHOCOLATE, LICOR O COMPUESTO DE CACAO, QUE COMPRENDE UN DISPOSITIVO DE CIZALLA, EN PARTICULAR UN DENOMINADO CAMBIADOR DE SABOR (14), A SU VEZ COMPRENDIENDO UNA CARCASA (16), UN EJE (17) (OLATIVANLENTE MONTADO EN LA CARCASA (16), MEDIOS (19. 20) PARA SOMETER LA MASA COMESTIBLE A TENSIONES DE CIZALLA ALTAS, MEDIOS (21, 22) PARA ESPARCIRLA MASA COMESTIBLE DESPUÓ;S QUE SE HA SOMETIDO A ALTA Ç;IZALLA, Y UNA <;em>;ENTRADA <;/em>;(24. 25) PARA SUMINISTRAR UN GAS A LA MASA COMESTIBLE ESPARCIDA; EL SISTEMA ADEMÁ;S COMPRENDE UN EVAPORADOR DE PELÍ;CULA DELGADA (15) PARA TRATAR LA MASA COMESTTBLE QUE SALE DEL DISPOSITIVO DE CIZALLO (14).<;/p>;