Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Саратовский государственный аграрный университет имени Н.И. Вавилова" (RU)
Ангелюк Валентин Петрович (RU),Быстрова Ирина Сергеевна (RU),Горбунова Наталья Владимировна (RU)
1. A process for the production of cooked sausages stuffed "Zavolzhskaya original" meat nutria, characterized in that it comprises the preparation of minced meat obtained using the trimmed beef premium, herbs and spices, with the addition of a salt of minced bacon slices and lateral pre-salted and cooked beef tongue, with bovine tongues is subjected to heat treatment which is carried out in two stages, the first of which beef tongues is boiled in water or meat broth for a time, both effectiveness to the ability to remove the skin and then removed from beef tongue peel, and the second stage the resulting meat broth, in which the cooked beef tongue, making salt, sugar, sodium nitrite and cook a little longer these beef tongues therein until ready, then produce sausage loaves molding, pellet, heat treatment and cooling, characterized in that the minced beef with added powdered tongues on gyroscope insides fat lateral pulverized in a gyroscope output hole diameter of 2-3 mm grating, formed loaves of sausage manually whole or crushed language, wherein when molding is used cellulose film (cellophane), which is laid on a table and uniformly covered with a layer of minced meat, then a quarter or half along a cut tongue is placed in the middle, then the sausage meat is rolled into a loaf and placed in a grid for sausages elastic, ekstra.2. Cooked sausage stuffed "Zavolzhskaya original" meat nutria, characterized in that it is obtained by the method of paragraph 1.3. Cooked sausage stuffed "Zavolzhskaya Original1. Способ производства колбасы вареной фаршированной «Заволжская оригинальная» из мяса нутрии, характеризующийся тем, что он предусматривает приготовление фарша, полученного с использованием говядины жилованной высшего сорта, специй и пряностей, с добавлением в один из фаршей соленого шпика бокового и кусочков предварительно посоленных и сваренных языков говяжьих, причем говяжьи языки подвергают термической обработке, которую проводят в два этапа, на первом из которых